Python Training Program Curriculum

Week 1: Introduction to Python

Beginner Level

Introduction to programming languages

Why Python? - Overview of Python’s strengths

Setting up the development environment

ICT powers me in Python

Basic syntax and variables

Comments and docstrings

Week 2: Control Structures

Conditional statements (if, elif, else)

Logical operators

Looping constructs (while, for)

Controlling loop flow with break and continue

Week 3: Data Structures

Lists and list comprehensions

Tuples and their immutability

Dictionaries and accessing data

Sets and operations on sets

Week 4: Functions

Defining and calling functions

Function arguments and return values

Scope of variables

Lambda functions

Intermediate Level

Week 5: Object-Oriented Programming

Understanding classes and objects

The constructor method (init)

Instance methods and variables

Class methods and static methods

Week 6: Error Handling and Files

Handling exceptions

Raising exceptions

Working with files - reading and writing

Context managers for resource management

Week 7: Modules and Packages

Importing modules

Exploring the Python Standard Library

Creating and using packages

Virtual environments

Week 8: Intermediate Projects

Building a calculator

Text-based adventure game

Data parsing from a file

Advanced Level

Week 9: Advanced Data Structures

Collections module

Itertools module

Queues and stacks

Understanding generator functions

Week 10: Decorators and Context Managers

Understanding decorators

Writing custom decorators

Context managers and the “with” statement

Week 11: Working with APIs

Understanding REST APIs

Making API calls with Python

Parsing JSON data

Week 12: Testing in Python

Unit testing with unittest

Test-driven development (TDD)

Mocking objects and patching

Expert Level

Week 13: Advanced Python Concepts

Multithreading and multiprocessing

Asynchronous programming (asyncio)

Metaprogramming concepts

Week 14: Data Science and Python

Introduction to NumPy

Introduction to pandas

Basic data visualization with Matplotlib

Week 15: Web Development with Python

Introduction to web frameworks (Flask/Django)

Building a simple web application

Routing and views

Week 16: Final Project and Best Practices

Version control with Git

Code reviews and collaborative coding

Final capstone project