Example 1:
Example 1: Creating a List
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
Example 2:
Example 2: Accessing List Items
print(fruits[1]) # Outputs 'banana'
Example 3:
Example 3: Changing List Items
fruits[1] = "blueberry"
print(fruits) # The list now contains 'blueberry' instead of 'banana'
Example 4:
Example 4: Adding List Items (Append)
print(fruits) # 'orange' has been added to the end of the list
Example 5:
Example 5: Adding List Items (Insert)
fruits.insert(1, "mango")
print(fruits) # 'mango' is inserted at index 1
Example 5:
Example 5: Adding List Items (Insert)
fruits.insert(1, "mango")
print(fruits) # 'mango' is inserted at index 1
Example 6:
Example 6: Removing List Items
print(fruits) # 'cherry' has been removed from the list
Example 7:
Example 7: Removing List Items by Index (pop)
popped_fruit = fruits.pop(2)
print(popped_fruit) # This will output 'blueberry', which was at index 2
print(fruits) # The list now has 'blueberry' removed
Example 8:
Example 8: Finding the Index of an Item
index_of_apple = fruits.index("apple")
print(index_of_apple) # Outputs 0
Example 9:
Example 9: Sorting a List
numbers = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5]
print(numbers) # Outputs the sorted list
Example 10:
Example 10: Reversing a List
print(numbers) # Outputs the list in reversed order