Python Basics

Your First Python Program?

Python is a Powerful language and since its creation 30 years ago, its strength has grown from decade to decade. Now with data and big data playing a vital role in Business, Python with its strong libraries has literally become the most sought after language by Industries.

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Python built in functions?

The purpose of functions is to prevent redundancy of code. Programers follow the style of WORE[Write Once Run Everywhere]. Functions operate in this manner. Meaning, whenever you have an operation to perform multiple times, simply writing a function and calling it would do the job. Liken to this manner, Python has built-in-functions, that can be called in to do the job. In this lesson you will get to know the list of available functions in Python.Click Here

What is Slicing in Python?

Slicing is a very important concept in Python, especially when string is involved. Slicing has many application in context with data cleaning. In this lesson you will learn the concept and how to implement it.

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Nested loops in Python?

When it becomes necessary to carry out a certain part of code multiple times, we use Loops. More so, if need arises to run multiple loops one within the other, Nested Loops comes into play. This Lesson gives a detailed understanding as to how Nested Loops work and how they could be implemented in the Code.

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Understanding 2-dimensional Lists and Tuples?

One of the reasons Python became popular is the ability of the language to send in multiple data items thru a single variable. Lists and Tuples are exactly designed for the purpose. However, as we progress in the course, we would be able to do the same using other techniques available in Python.

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What are Sets in Python?

Mathematically a set is defined as a well defined collection of objects, and in Python too, sets act and function in tandem to the Mathematical definition. The lesson provideds a detailed introduction to Sets and it is divided into two parts.

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What are Lists|Sets|Dictionary Comphrehension?

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Control Statements-the If-statment

Control statements play a vital role in Python. There are many Control statements available and here we will learn about the If-statement.

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While-loop Control statement

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How to use _ _init_ _() method

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