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Get Trained by the Industry's top star professional who has contributed to several of the elite High Tech Industries. Also coupled together with Industry Experience, is his Academic training. With multitude of students benefiting either directly or via remote learning, both from his IT-guidance and mentoring.

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JavaScript is a very powerful scripting language and powers more than 90% of all functional websites. When JavaScript was launched, it was thought to have Client side utility alone and hence was confined to the browser. Today, its a different story. With JavaScript, one can not only perform user validation but go a step and beyond to perform server side validationg too. The language was discovered by Mr. Brandan Eich, and the project was supported by Iconic Netscape. Without JavaScript, there would be no pulse on the web.


HTMl is the Markup language that allows us to place content on the browser.Though there are many competitors to HTML, none have come even remotely closer to the power and versatility of HTML. Moreso, a greater feature of HTML is its ability to fuse with JavaScript DOM manipulations. Another vital feature of HTML is its ability to work in unison with CSS, and to output some of the best User Interface experience comprehendable to the mind. Mr.Tim Berners-Lee, discovered this Language.


Java is a general purpose Object Oriented and Concurrent Programming langauge. Java uses JVM[Java Virtual Machine] which provides a runtime environment for Java code. JVM forms part of the JRE[Java Runtime Environment]

Features of Java: Java is Object oriented, meaning the code is structured and modeled as a set of objects and can be manipulated, controlled and extended. JAVA is platform independent and Robust. JAVA can multitasks and it is a very Secured language. Codes written in Java cannot be broken into.


C++ is considered as powerhouse when it comes to Robotics and Automation. Would you believe if I told you that everything that is operated with a button switch or remote control has C++ running in its core. Hard to believe, right? yet that is the truth. As it is said,know the truth and the truth shall set you free, so now that you know, its time to pull the socks and start the grind. All in pursuit of acquiring this skill. Having said that, C++ is not an easy language and neither it is a language for the faint hearted. For it requires persistance and focus.


SQL stands for Structered Query Language and it is the standardized programming langauge that is used to manage Relational DataBases(RDBMS) and perform a ton of operations related to data and database management. The langauge was created in 1970s and it is used by Database admins and developers to integrate scripts with data. Having said that, without the knowledge of SQL, it is impossible to retreive, manage, manipulate, add or append any data to the Database. As more and more business are transfering their operations on to the web, data and database management becomes a key and crucial tasks. Thus gaining mastery over SQL and more so starting it early would be a game changer.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. With HTML one can only construct the foundation for a website but the absolute marvel and fruition can only be added by CSS. Without CSS, all you get is an aura less static page. As aptly named with the word "style" being at the center of CSS, the language can change the entire appearance of any nomial website into a flashy, highend, exotic and brilliant website. And in today's world, a business flourishes based on its website. For a picture speaks a 1000 words, and customers would instantly know the Business house's credibility, base and realibility from the amount of investment and effort that they had taken in erecting their website, which in reality is the virtual representation of who they are.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Front End Development and what is the Average Pay Package?

HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT, are the languages needed to become a Front End Developer. Front End Development deals with the Structure, Design, Behavior and Content of everything that is displayed on the browser and viewed by the user. Websites, Web Applications, Mobile APPs are all implemented by Front End development.

Common Benefits for Front End Developers: The Average pay starts anywhere from $95,000 up and to $127,000 but not restricted. This is just the starting pay. however many companies provide their developers with company shares, travel perks, commuter assistance,paid sick leave, paid time off, paid training, Paid Professional development, Profit sharing, Tuition reimbursement, Vision insurance, Wellness programs, Referral program, Relocation assistance, Flexible schedules, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Child Tuition reimbursement, Work from home,and a whole lot of benefits that can only be dreamt off in other careers.

What is Back End Development and what is the Average Pay Package?

To understand Back End Development, one needs to foremeost know that there are two kinds of Websites, one is Static and the other Dynamic. Static websites are the ones which you design and deploy and can go fishing for the rest of your life. Meaning, the websites do not handle user requests. While on the other end we have websites that change by the second and we call them as Dynamic websites.These websites handle user requests, meaning they run to and fro from the Client side to the Server side, fetching answers to the requests posed by the user.

A simple Example can be a food take away service provided by some website, say, Some of the actions that users of the website would do would be the following.Users coming in would want to first check out the flavors available, and then they would want to know if their flavor is available, then they would want to know the cost for 20 mantos[how much they want], and then the delivery fee that would incur in the purchase, then they would want to know the time it would take for the delivery, and then the payment[this has a ton of validation to be done]and then the actual delivery, and then comes the feed back from the customer, and then the rewards of discounts to the customer to keep them coming and so on.

You can see the amount of requests that this website ought to handle and the amount of validation that ought to be done. And the list that were placed here aren't even exhaustive. Meaning there are a ton of scenarios that ought to be foreseen by the Back End developer, and more so he or she should ensure that the website doesn't crack under pressure and is capable of handling all of these requests and still keep their customers coming back.

List of popular languages used in Back End development

Java: Java is a general purpose Object Oriented and Concurrent Programming langauge. Java uses JVM[Java Virtual Machine] which provides a runtime environment for Java code. JVM forms part of the JRE[Java Runtime Environment]

Features of Java: Java is Object oriented, meaning the code is structured and modeled as a set of objects and can be manipulated, controlled and extended. JAVA is platform independent and Robust. JAVA can multitasks and it is a very Secured language. Codes written in Java cannot be broken into.

Ruby: Ruby is an Open-source Programming language, meaning you don't need any license to use and to manipulate the code to suit your needs. Ruby is also an Object-Oriented language that is Dynamic and Reflective.

Python: Python is an Open-source, Object-oriented and Interactive programming language. Python is an interpreted language, meaning it does not require complication before execution. Python has easy syntax and is begineer friendly

PHP: PHP stands for, "Hypertext Preprocessor". This is an Open-source scripting language used in the Server-side. PHP is used by some of the Top Tech companies for its ability to easily integrate with databases like Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, PostgreSQL and Informix. PHP is an interpreted language and platform independent

Common Benefits for Front End Developers: The Average pay starts anywhere from $100,000 up and to $135,000 but not restricted. This is just the starting pay. however many companies provide their developers with company shares, travel perks, commuter assistance,paid sick leave, paid time off, paid training, Paid Professional development, Profit sharing, Tuition reimbursement, Vision insurance, Wellness programs, Referral program, Relocation assistance, Flexible schedules, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Child Tuition reimbursement, Work from home,and a whole lot of benefits that can only be dreamt off in other careers.

What is Full Stack Development and what is the Average Pay Package?

This is the Combination of two Technologies, Client side and Server side. A Full Stack Developer is one who can work on front-end and back-end applications.A Full Stack Developer should be able to see through the end result of both front-end and back-end application. More so, avoid and correct futuristic issues that might plague the application.

The most popular technologies used in Full Stack development are, LAMP Stack, MEAN stack and MERN stack. Let us understand what LAMP stack is all about. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python. Linux is a powerful operating system, where security is everything, while Apache is the preferred Webserver, MySQl is the Database management system, and PHP/Per;/Python are programming languages used for application development.

Now let us focus on MEAN stack. MEAN, stands for MongoDB,Express.js, ANGULAR.js, and NODE.js. MongoDB, is a Database management system, Express.js, is a web application framework, Angular.js, is also a web application frame work that assists in coding Javascript into HTML. Node.js was developed by Mr. Ryan Dahl in 2009, and is bult on Chrome's JavaScript runtime. Node.js, is used for building fast and scalable network applications. Node.js, predominantly uses event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight, efficient and superfast and more so very reliable for data-intensive, real-time applications that run across a variety of distributed devices.

Now let us focus on MERN stack. MERN, stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and NODE.js. This is yet another framework that relies on JavaScript. MERN stack is also a popular framework but not as popular as MEAN stack. MERN stack is used to develop mobile applications.

Common Benefits for Full Stack Developers: The Average pay starts anywhere from $112,000 up and to $145,000 but not restricted. This is just the starting pay. however many companies provide their developers with company shares, Travel perks, Commuter assistance,paid Sick leave, paid Time off, paid Training, paid Professional development, Profit sharing, Tuition reimbursement, Vision insurance, Wellness programs, Referral program, Relocation assistance, Flexible schedules, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Child Tuition reimbursement, Work from home,and a whole lot of benefits that can only be dreamt off in other careers.

Salary package and Benefits placed herein are not reflective of the actual compensation amounts that Full Stack developers receive. For Example, on one of the social media interviews, a young Full Stack developer acknowledged that NETFLIX pays him $330,000/pa, and that is not including the benefits he receives.

It is also imperative to state here that qualified Full Stack developers aren't easy to be found, and even if one finds them, retaining is a challenge given their options.